DEF CON 18 Contest Results

Capture the Flag

Congratulations to ACME Pharm on winning the DEFCON 18 Capture the Flag. Stats and more later -- here are the rankings:

1. ACME Pharm
2. Routards
3. Kaist@postech (GoN)
4. TwoSixNine
5. VedaGodz
6. European NOP sled
7. Shellphish
8. painsec
9. lollersk8erz

The DDTEK CTF cr3w thanks all teams for playing!

Keep an eye on for more as it is posted

Crack Me If You Can

1st Place: Hashcat

2nd Place: CrackHeads

3rd Place: john-users

Notes: Check out for full details, passwords, etc.

Social-Engineer CTF: How Strong is Your Schmooze

1st place: Scott/ Phat32

2nd place: Wayne

Notes: The two winners were within points of each other. Very close game. Awesome

Hacker Jeopardy 2010

Host: Winn Schwartau
Judge/scorekeeper: G. Mark
Vanna Vinyl: Happy FunBall
Beer Betty: Li'l Jinny

Winner of the Sixteenth Hacker Jeopardy was NiceHat (Gray), consisting of POPS, EMK, and JPTerr0r.

Overall results for 2010:

Friday, July 30, 2010
Round 1: The Luddites(ravyn, kevin, ryan): 2,600 points [WINNER - half their points were for beers]
Team Tardfest (The Leprechaun, George, SlickSlacker): 2,000 points
Team Sauce (Tigereye, Abstract, appl): 0 points

Friday, July 30, 2010
Round 2: ***Vegas 2.0 (HackAJar, Packet Baron, Crispy): 2,202 points [WINNER - FOURTH time they've played, first game they've won.]
My Little Pwnies (cargoudel, ernwa, Cuddles): 0 points [but a really cool team name. But "Cuddles" as a handle? C'mon, guys.]
What is South America? (turbo12, excon, poke): 0 points [finished regulation with -1,200 points, but 15 beers put them into the final, where they lost it all]

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Round 3: **Feckin' Potatoes (theintern, tyrion, raul): 1,600 points [WINNER - and amazing alcohol consumption - 17 beers, got the final question RIGHT, and then right into the finals 10 minutes later. Good thing they're Irish.]
Team Chobo (Capnnemo, Painted, 5star): -900 points [and that's AFTER tallying theirbeers. So much for truly random team selection producing better results -- hey, isn't that what Darwin's evolutionary theory was all about?]
a0l users (sn00p, rogu3, d-bag): 0 points [pulled even at 800 with Feckin' Potatoes at the end, making final question sudden death.]

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Final round:
*NiceHat (Grey) (POPS, EMK, JPTerr0r): 2,500 points [WINNER]
*The Luddites(ravyn, kevin, ryan): 1 point
***Vegas 2.0 (HackAJar, Packet Baron, Crispy): 799 points
**Feckin' Potatoes (theintern, tyrion, raul): 100 points

Winner of Black HAXOR badge: NiceHat (Grey) [also last year's defending champions.
NYMPHS were AWOL two years in a row.]

Special awards:

* Humperdink Award (most beers consumed in one round): TIED - NiceHat (Grey) and The Luddites: both drank 20 in the Final round.
But, we can't have ties, so the award goes to The Luddites, who drank 13 beers Friday for a total of 33. NiceHat had a bye on Friday and was sipping Earl Grey tea.

** - Tycho Brahe Award (most beers consumed in one evening without a ruptured bladder): Feckin' Potatoes, who drank 27 beers on Saturday (two back-to-back rounds.)

*** Rob Blagojevich award: Vegas 2.0, acting totally innocent while cheating bigtime for the fourth consecutive year (using 3GL cellphones to look up answers, cellphone earbuds connected to audience members doing Google searches, digging beer bottles out of the trash and putting them on the stage to try to get credit.) Still didn't win, but I bet they get their own reality show someday.

By the way, all four of the winning teams sat right next to Winn and the podium. Maybe more than just his hard drive got pwned this con. :) (And I think it even cooler that Microsoft didn't just flag "pwned" as a spelling error. Hee hee.)

Final Hacker Jeopardy Question:

Category: The Fed

A: This sub-unified command features the MD5 hash "9ec4c12949a4f31474f299058ce2b22a" in its official logo.

Q: What is U.S. Cyber Command? [The hash is of the command's mission statement.]

Scores and results certified by G. Mark (judge and scorekeeper)

Beer Cooling Contraption Contest

4th place (only four teams this year)
cooling rate of 1.1 deg/sec
(still producing somewhat salty beer at times)

3rd place
Natural Born Chillers
cooling rate of 1.6 deg/sec
(good use of Duct Tape in their very, very hacky device)

2nd place
cooling rate of 1.8 deg/sec
(at one point he was cooling 16 cups simultaneously)

1st place
Null Space Labs
cooling rate of 3.9 deg/sec
(handled consistent, constant pouring... Arduino control as part of device for major geek cred... great style and panache)

Notes: special thanks to those who made the t-shirts and to everyone who showed up in the outdoor heat in order to pound some brews on Friday at noon as a way to kick off DEFCON with a smile.

Gringo Warrior

5th place - score of 472, time 2:31
point multiplier bonus for mohawk of leg hair

4th place - score of 535, time 4:54
point multiplier bonus for mohawk

3rd place - score of 545, time 2:45
point multiplier bonus for mohawk

2nd place - score of 561, time 2:54
opened new "locker" stage
point multiplier bonus for mohawk

1st place - score of 598, time 4:22
opened almost all "hard" locks
opened new "locker" stage


1st place: vand
2nd place
: Quail
3rd place: Neg9

Scavenger Hunt

First Place: Team White Lightning (179 of 316)
Second Place: Team Dr. Jaeger (172 of 316)
Third Place: Team Half Empty (147 of 316)

Notes:Team Panda and Team DefCon Zero did extremely well, placing 4th and 5th respectively out of 19 teams total.

This was the first year Team White Lightning competed and it was the first DefCon for many of the team members of all the teams. Way to go everyone! Come back next year for more awesome prizes and a brand new list!

Backdoor Hiding Contest

1st place (hiding): K2
2nd place (hiding): sf
3rd place (hiding): Sean Cassidy

1st place (finding): ucq
2nd place (finding): Salusa
3rd place (finding): sf

Recall that its a two-in-one contest.

More info in our website


The Badge Hacking Contest exists to award the most ingenious, obscure, mischievous, or technologically astounding badge modification created during the weekend and is supposed to be fun and encourage people to try new things and show off their skills. This year we had 21 entries ranging from pure firmware modifications by non-hardware folks to insane hardware creations. The energy in the Hardware Hacking Village during submissions was palpable. Everyone was having a great time showing off their work and seeing what others had done. Hardware hacking at DEFCON has definitely taken on a life of its own!

The Dark Tangent, Zac Franken, and I reviewed the submissions and selected our favorites, then narrowed down the Top 3 and Honorable Mention from there. There were so many interesting entries and, as with every year, the selection process was not easy. While we'll never be able to please everyone, I think the Top 3 show a great cross section of what can be done with the badge.

Thanks again to everyone in the HHV and all those who participated in the contest. If you have source code/schematics that you want to share, PM me or contact me via

I don't know what next year's badge will entail, but I hope to see you all at DEFCON 19!

Joe Grand aka Kingpin

DC18 Badge information (schematics, firmware, slides, links to badge hack project files, etc.) can be found on my site here:

Pictures of the various badges here:

Pictures of all badge hacking contest entries here:

And, some videos here (search for "DC18 Badge Hack"):

1ST PLACE: GoatBar Barcode Writer/Emulator by Brad Threatt
UPC-A/UPC-E Barcode Writer/Emulator. Take advantage of the self-checkout lines by entering a lower-priced item into your badge using the nice GUI and two buttons, scanning the badge with the laser at checkout, and placing the higher-priced item into your bag.

2ND PLACE: STD In by Team Redacted
Virus propagation and social network analysis. Passing "friendly" virus between badges with capability to track propagation path and originator. Also functioned using two DEFCON 17 badges.

3RD PLACE: The Badge-a-Lyzer by Dan Z.
Breathalyzer using an alcohol gas sensor to detect alcohol concentration on the user's breath and LCD to display current level of intoxication (Noob, Hacker, Goon). Demonstrated using a sober subject (Dan Z.) and a not-so-sober subject picked randomly out of the Hardware Hacking Village.

HONORABLE MENTION: Origami Dragon from the Paper Badge by Doug
Doug's finely crafted origami dragon showed how to make the most of an unfortunate situation (e.g., running out of all 7,780 electronic badges)

OTHER ENTRIES (in no particular order):

Personal Oscilloscope
Uses standard oscilloscope probe and displays the measured voltage level over time on the badge's LCD

802.3af Power-over-Ethernet power modification

Team Bashfork :(){:|:&};:
Dancing Badge w/ Ninja Party Badge Bruteforcer

Optimized Tomfoolery
Porn Theater
Adult-themed slideshow with 4-bit audio generation using resistor ladder

501d3r Guy and 14rG0 (youngest participant @ 13 years old)
Long-range TV-B-Gone

Flash detector & camera jammer w/ UV lights (attempted)

"Mad Max Bot" sound-controlled robot using DC17 Badge

Team Tardfest
XXX Interactive
Adult-themed game

Flava Flav Badge
Segmented image of Flava Flav shown on LCD with bonus image at the end

Paper badge w/ 7-segment display aka "Short Changed"

RFID & Barcode Emulator aka "Retail Ripper"
Two part hack: UPC barcode emulation and 125kHz RFID emulator. Both identifiers set in source code.

Paper Badge Display aka "Accidental Badge Surplus"

Red Lambda
Slot Machine aka "DEFCON Slots"
What better way to enjoy Vegas (without losing your shirt) than to play slots on your badge? PRNG w/ nice character/graphic set.

Dustin C.
Nokia LCD w/ sexy animation

Coffee/Drink Mixer
Using transistor and DC motor. LCD screen displays image when drink is properly mixed.

Sharing of unique IDs between badges over USB. Determines degrees of separation using Bloom filter.

Brad C.
"You're Busted" alternating red/blue police lights

DEFCON Super Rocker 18 Guitar
Contains a stroboscopic tuner for each string (working) and optical pickups (not fully functioning yet)