Defcon 15 Contests (contests_title.gif)
DefCon 15 Coffee Wars Submit your beans and become a part of our mighty quest; we'll make sure you get a steaming cup of the very same brew we're savoring. 8th year! Organized by Shrdlu and Foofus.
Artwork contest DEFCON Art Contest is currently open! Submit your art by June 25, to be used online and to be included in the DEFCON 15 program. We are looking for a Web Banner, Key Card, T-Shirt, Wallpaper! If you win you could win free admission and cash to be used at the DEFCON Swag booth! Contest guidelines are available HERE
DefConBots The DefconBots contest pits two fully autonomous robotic guns against each other in a challenge to see who can shoot down the most targets in a shooting gallery the fastest.
Registration is now open! Go to for all the details. As last year, teams will be taken on a first come, first serve basis- Last year *many* teams were not allowed to compete because the cap had been exceeded. This year the challenge will be bigger, but space will still be limited. You can view the forum threads HERE.
ctf Capture the Flag:The qualification round for this years CTF is complete. More than 150 teams were actually submitting answers which means that participation for this year was more than double the previous high water mark (as far as we're aware). Results may be found at as always.

This years challenges came in a wide range of technologies and difficulties. No single team actually solved them all... Additionally, this years level of international participation was staggering...

The MUD for this year will remain up for teams to ask questions and hopefullly collaborate with each other about how they came to solutions for some of the harder challenges. Additionally, we will be putting most if not all of the challenges back online for a while so everybody can sharpen up... Stay tuned...

Not to be confused with the original Capture the Flag (CTF), aCTF is organized by DC949/Orange County for amateurs. Registration is now Closed.

We created the accounts for the Local Exploits box and e-mailed the account info out to all the registered teams. We're now closing registration. If you want to play but haven't registered, check with at con. As long as things are going smoothly, we'll continue to give out accounts at con after the contest has started, so don't worry if you didn't register... you'll still be able to play.

"Beverage" Cooling Contraption Contest: This contest was first held at Defcon 13. What is being planned for this year? Go check out the Forums and find out, Sign up HERE. Everyone wants a cold beer!
LPCon 5Its time to start getting everything set for LPCON5 at DEFCON15. The website is up at: I would like to put out an invitation for the following: 1. Recommendations for the rules this years SkillZ competition (formerly known as the speed competition) and also the Points competition. 2. Recommendation for improvements over last year 3. LPCON 5 official T-Shirt Designs. Please send to doc-lpcon at hotmail dot com by June 1st. 4. Any requests for talks? 5. Any volunteers to talk? (and the topic) 6. Other volunteers to help (tracking points etc) 7. Volunteers to bring locks and boards to add to the points competition 8. Anybody have a company or organization that would be willing to provide some sponsorship (prizes, locks etc)?

Thanks All
Scavenger Hunt!The suggestion box is now open! Visit to submit your ideas. In past years- many items used in the scavenger hunt have come from this suggestion box. So if you want to see fellow con attendees do something- this is your chance to get us to prod them into doing it all in the name of winning the scavenger hunt!

(WarDriving) Wireless Contest: Announcing The DefCon 15 Wireless Contest (queue Thus Spake Zathrustra)

Are you a freq-geek? Think your WiFiFu is hot? Get high from sniffing packets on the ether? Think you're a great lover? We can't help you with the last one, but get ready because here's your chance to prove the rest of those outlandish claims to the world.

Compete in the Wireless Contest, and we can validate you self esteem, at least in the geeky stuff.

The Wireless Contest, following the format for the past few years, will be a series of "Mini-Contests". You can compete in only a single mini-contest or all of them. We recommend that teams be formed to fill in different skill areas. Get the details HERE.

Wireless Contests (Contest area):

Tower (tiered) Challenge
Friday 12:00 - 19:00
Saturday 12:00 - 19:00
Sunday 12:00 - 14:00

WPA Cracking Contest
Friday 14:00 - 16:00

WEP Cracking Contest
Saturday 12:00 - 14:00

Direction Finding Contest
Saturday 15:00 - 17:00

RFID Locating Contest
Sunday 13:00 - 14:00

Guitar Hero II Contest Guitar Hero II Contest: The contest will allow contestants to show their skills playing Guitar Hero II on Xbox 360.  Medium, Hard and Expert levels will be offered.  Initial heats will be a cumulative score of possibly 2 user-chosen songs.  The top 4 from each level will go at it 'tournament' style final, head to head, until only 1 player remains.  

Are you a Guitar Hero?  Do your friends think you're l33t and can shred like a rock star?  Then prove it!  For the first time at Defcon, you will have your chance to pound out a great solo and earn points enough to make it into the finals! 

Spot the Fed What would DEFCON be without Spot the Fed? You know you want that T-Shirt!
Brew Wars The very first Brew Wars will happen this year at Defcon 15.The rules are simple. Just bring twenty four ounces of your home brew to Defcon. The beer will be rated on a scale of 1-10. Each beer will be judged in it's catergory. The standard of each category of beer is last year's winner of the Great American Beer Festival in the style you have entered.A list of those winning beers can be found HERE.
Hacker Jeopardy It's back! Sign up now!
TCP/IP Drinking Game: Javaman - Adam O'Donnell will be guest hosting the TCP/IP drinking game this year.

When mudge found out that he wasn't going to make it to DefCon this year (something about getting married, going on a honeymoon, and buying a house - come on where are his priorities?!?!) he made a call out to his brethren in the Cult of the Dead Cow.

Low and behold - the call was answered and the TCP/IP drinking game will continue this year with mudge returning next year with a special guest line-up for the game (although have no doubt that this year's will be fine!).
New this year: Øwn the box? Own the box!
Are you a defensive ninja? Are your services unbreakable, your builds airtight? Do your countermeasures have countermeasures for counter-countermeasures?

So prove it, bucko... Bet your box on it, on the most hostile network in the world. Bring a laptop/server/desktop, hardened to the nines, running exactly two (2) visible services, to our specs, and we'll offer you up for the slaughter.

The first person to take you down walks away with your gear. When you're øwned, you're owned. It's that simple.

The last box(en) standing, unowned, wins, and the winner(s) can take his/her precious back home, safe in the knowledge that if it survived at DC, it can survive anywhere. Plus, get some way cool prizes. We haven't figured out what just yet. But they'll be way cool. We promise. We're thinking t-shirts with "Nobody Øwned me at DC15" would be a source of much pride, no?

For the other side of the fence, the reward is clear... Pick your target, bring your best sploits, 0wn the box, and own the box. A shopping spree for the elite.

Forum discussion can be found HERE.

Clued Information is everywhere. Solve the puzzles, solve the mystery.
Phreaking Challenge You wanted it, you got it! Announcing the inaugural old skool/new-school Phreaking Challenge. Bring your ear for tones, we'll supply the beige box. Test your elite skillz on several tasks drawn from traditional telephony and VoIP.
Latest News TitleFor the all the latest news and discussions on DefCon 15 Check out the RSS Feeds and the DefCon Forums!

Call for Papers
The DEFCON 15 Call For Papers is now closed.

Don't see your event? Updates will be frequent. Contest Organizers, Event Planners, etc. email neil [at] defcon [dot] org with your info.

If you have a tip or story that might help out new con-goers, email neil [at] defcon [dot] org

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