Join Us August 1st–4th, 2013

All 4 days just $180 USD!

at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas!

Cash only at the door.


Your brilliant DEF CON Arts & Entertainment Goon crew, Great Scott, Zziks, Mindy, Krisz Klink, ChrisAM, and Tribalsoul have been working non-stop year-round to present you with the following supreme sensory engagements!

This year we're excited to play host to special guest units:
  • CODAME, an arts+tech+fashion+hacking collective, who will be throwing an epic Saturday night art installation party.
  • Internet radio classic soma fm, who are broadcasting a special DEF CON stream!

"Transit Lounge" (Chill-Out), Hosted by soma fm

Location: Miranda
Hours: 24 hrs

Thursday Opening Party: "Leaky Faucet" FEATURING FADERHEAD

Location: Track 1 (Rio Pavilions 8-11)
Hours: 8:00pm-2:30am
Schedule (subject to change)

Friday B+W Ball: "Snowed In!" FEATURING BT

Location: Track 1 (Rio Pavilions 8-11)
Hours: 9:00pm-2:30am
Schedule (subject to change)

Friday Pub Crawl #1: "Keeping it Meta" ("METADATA" party on the pub crawl map)

Location: Amazon P+O
Hours: 9:00pm-2:00am
Schedule (subject to change)

Friday Pub Crawl #2: "Shearing the Pig" ("PRISM BREAK" party on the pub crawl map

Location: Amazon S
Hours: 9:00pm-2:00am
Schedule (subject to change)


Check out:

IOActive's Pool Party!

Evening, at the Rio pool.

CODAME's Art Installation Fundraiser. 8pm-2am in Miranda.

CODAME is bringing ART+TECH to the DEF CON 24/7 chillout lounge at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas (August 1st - 4th). If that wasn't enough, on Saturday, August 3rd we'll borrow the SomaFM's soundsystem for a celebration featuring the following performances!

As CODAME is not-for-profit, they are selling a limited run of DEF CON badges at $90, where half the revenue supports CODAME! The badges are only valid starting Saturday evening at 8pm, last through the rest of the conference, and will be available for pick-up at the Rio's rotunda main entrance for DEF CON. GET THEM HERE.

Installations in Miranda/chillout, visible 24/7::

  • Anticlockwise Realtime data visualisation of cyber attacks.
  • Cam Altamura & Jordan Gray C4D renders semi-randomly combined with analog video captures & user generated content tagged #naughtBothered on twitter.
  • Dan Moore Slitscan photobooth will capture your twisted existance for internet and offline consumption.
  • LaTurbo Avedon 3d Idol exploring The Artist Is Not Present
  • ?????????t ? Screen Vortex xetorV neercS
  • Outerbody Labs Physical games for disembodied eyesight. See yourself seeing yourself. Operating at 8pm every day!
  • TIMEFLY Digitally printed garments featuring images from renowned net artists.
  • Tyler Freeman Hosting an audio-reactive, interactive video space.
  • Zebbler Studios Large scale. Video mapped. Suspended structures.

August 3rd Celebration Lineup (listen to the teaser):

8pm kickoff, done by 2am, starting from the top:

Audio Visual
Jefferson Shulgin presenting Wiretap AV set
Albert Elmore [45isdistance]
Zen Albatross
rhinostrich odbol
Benito angat
starPause TIMEFLY
Art by Code Gallery: A silent auction with works by:


Part of the ticket will go to support the CODAME initiative. We have a limited number of tickets, so hurry before it's too late!

Sunday =(

On your own!