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DEF CON 25 Hacking Conference



DEF CON 25 Call for Papers is now Closed!

Want to speak at DEF CON? Great! We would love to have you. Submit an official CFP for speaking tracks for the main stages and evening lounges here:

Space in our main tracks is limited but is not the only option. Not all talks are the same, therefore we have made a list of opportunities under the CFP index. Find your DEF CON audience!

Visit the CFP Index page, to learn more about:

• Submitting to give a 3 hour DEF CON workshop.
• Submitting to the DEF CON Demo Labs & show off your tools for 2 hours.
• A complete list of the hacking villages with possible speaking opportunities.

What: DEF CON 25 Call For Papers

When: DEF CON will take place at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, from July 27-30, 2017. The Call for Papers will close on May 01, 2017.

How: Complete the Call for Papers Form and send to talks at defcon dot org.
Speaking Formats are: 20 minutes, 45 minutes, 105 minutes (Two slots back to back), or "Evening Lounge" 120 minutes. (Lounge talks are not recorded)

Theme: Old Skool + New Skool community celebration of 25 years of breaking stuff, done in an 8bit glitch style.

DEF CON is the largest sponsor free hacking conference, and does not seek or accept money to secure a speaking spot. You have to earn your speaking spot by impressing the CFP review team with your knowledge and skill, only then will you get your spot on stage in front of thousands of attendees interested in your research. Sink or swim - it's up to you, are you up for the challenge?

Note: We have noticed fewer speakers over the years using their hacking handles and almost exclusively using their real names. That's not very hacker, consider submitting under your handle!

Speaking tracks and lounges:

We are in a new hotel which means a new space and new opportunities to have different sized speaking opportunities. Caesars has more small rooms than Paris + Bally's did and we'll be taking advantage of that.

Evening Lounges - These are smaller more intimate talks that don't require audio and video support for a limited audience. For example, a few years ago there was a "Policy Wonks" lounge where experts opened a bottle of scotch and had a Q&A discussion with the 30 to 40 people in the room. It was more intimate and only those who cared about Washington DC policy issues were there. Got an idea for a lounge? They will be two hours in length and figure 100+ people maximum. They will start in the evenings after other talks have ended.

Hacker History Stories - DEF CON started about 25 years after the first hackers were established, it's been 25 more years since. It's time to capture some of that by giving a history lesson to the current generation of hackers. Be technical, but also set the scene. Were you in a piracy courier group? What was that landscape like? Were you one of the earlier law enforcement officers trying to catch the first online criminals? Tell your story and make it relevant to today.

0025 - Hackers, reporters, researchers, and activists are having to behave more and more like spies to protect their data and identites while participating online. These talks are for the more operational aspects of going about your life in the most secure way possible. Talks could include; VPN configuration and weaknesses, defeating mobile fingerprinting, OPSEC and PERSEC, deploying .onion sites, or helping build technology for those most at risk. As hackers let's dispel the voodoo snake oil that does not work and show everyone how to do this correctly.

The Science of Attack - The art of attack has been evolving into the science of attack, with well tested methodologies, rules, tool chains, and techniques. This is the place to show what it takes to be a modern day offensive hacker.

The Art of Defense - How do hackers defend their networks, servers and applications? In a world where only the largest enterprises can afford a robust defense, what can you do to have a chance at surviving modern class attacks?

Everything Else - If your talk doesn't fit in one of these topics don't worry, the suggested themes are just a starting point. We've dozens of speaking slots, the tracks will be filled with a clustering of subjects; hardware hacking, lock picking, mobile hacking, reverse engineering, legalities of hacking, and more.

Check out for last year's conference presentations. If you want to learn from the past and get a complete list of topics that were accepted browse our archives here:

To submit a speech:

Complete the DEF CON 25 Call for Papers Form.

Like always we strive to only accept those talks of the highest caliber, and we won't have time to go back and forth asking for clarifications or missing information in your submission. Submit your best, most complete form, and if anything changes email us an update.

Barring a disaster of monstrous proportions, speaker selection will be completed no later than June 1, 2017. The sooner you submit, the better chance you have that we give your presentation the full consideration it warrants. If you wait until the last minute to submit, you have less of a chance of being selected, unless your name is Major Kusanagi.

After a completed CFP form is received, speakers will be contacted if there are any questions about their presentations. If your talk is accepted you can continue to modify and evolve it up until the last minute, but don't deviate from your accepted presentation. We will mail you reminders with information on deadlines for when we need your presentation to be burnt on the CD, as well as information for the printed program. If you want to plan ahead these dates are also listed on the CFP Form.

What do you get?

No matter if you are accepted or rejected, the DEF CON review board will provide candid feedback on your submission. DEF CON has a team of different subject matter experts to help select presentations based on many factors, and you'll end up with a good idea how they responded to your submission.

If you are accepted, Speakers get in to the show free, get paid USD $300 or 3 Human Badges, get a cool speaker badge, and people like you more. Most speakers find it is a great way to meet others interested in their topics. You can opt to forgo the $300 payment and instead receive 3 human badges that you can give to your friends, sell to strangers, or hold onto as timeless mementos. Receiving badges instead of checks has been a popular option for those insisting on maintaining their anonymity.

DEF CON will promote your presentation, link to your social media, blog, or web pages you desire, and help arrange for any interviews from interested media that want to learn what you are up to. Please let us know on the form if you want to do any interviews and we will pass on your info to our press team.

During DEF CON there is a speaker party where you can meet the staff, CFP review team, and all the other speakers before the main conference kicks off and you get swept away into the vortex of Con.

After DEF CON, your professionally recorded presentations are transcribed with English subtitles, then shared all over the planet through our web server, Bittorrent servers, ed2k, YouTube, index sites, etc.

Please visit: for previous conference archives, information, and speeches. Updated announcements will be posted to news groups, security mailing lists and this web site. for a look at all the events and contests being planned for DEF CON 25. Join in on the action.

Follow @defcon on twitter or check out the DEF CON Facebook Page to keep up to date with what's up at the con this year. for news and announcements surrounding DEF CON.

CFP forms and questions should get mailed to: talks/at/ If you have not received confirmation of your submission after two business days, contact us again. Please check your spam folder & whitelist */at/

Good luck with your submission(s) and thank you for keeping the culture alive!

- The Dark Tangent