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DEF CON Hacking Conference

Press Policy & Registration

Press Registration is Now Closed!

If you've never been to DEF CON before, please do some research before attending.

At the very least, read the DEF CON FAQ. Read some articles already written about DEF CON. And please, whatever you do, don't let your editors headline your article 'fear and hacking in Las Vegas' [at least five of these clever headlines have been written already].

To better protect the privacy of attendees, and out of respect for our host venues and their local unions, external production crews are not permitted to film inside the DEF CON area. This includes all broadcast media and filming by marketing/promotion teams. Photographers are permitted when accompanied by a credentialed reporter.


To register as press, please send an email to press [at] defcon ]dot[ org with the Subject: PRESS REG DEF CON 27. Please provide all of the details we request otherwise it only slows down your own approval, and there is a hard limit on the total number of press each year.

Please note: DEF CON is a separate event from Black Hat and you must have a DEF CON badge to attend our event. Unfortunately, we do not have space for private interview rooms like you’ll see at Black Hat, but you’re welcome to use the press room if you’d like. Note: it can get very loud in this room at times, so many reporters choose to conduct as many interviews as they can before arriving in Vegas.

Full Name
Publication URL
Email address
How can we reach you onsite?

Would you like us to share your contact info with inquiring speakers and PR teams so they can better connect with you?


Always wear your Press badge if you are gathering information for a story. The DEF CON community is happy to help in your reporting and we respond best to open and clear transparency about what you’re working on.

Press passes aren't complimentary and that policy is universally enforced regardless of tenure or masthead. Whether you work for a traditional media organization, produce a podcast, or manage your own blog, everyone is expected to buy a badge at DEF CON. A press badge provides access to the press room, expedited badge pick up, and logistical support from the Press Goons.

Press badges are limited! Due to feedback from attendees and the overwhelming number of requests DEF CON receives, there is a limit of 2 badges per outlet and all press badges are allocated on a first-come first-serve basis upon complete and approved registration.

Once all badges are allocated, we will maintain a waiting list and allocate badges that become available on a first-come, first serve basis.


Press are welcome to attend these talks off the record. Violating this policy will forfeit your press badge this year & in the future.

See you in Vegas!

- DEF CON Press Team