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DEF CON Hacking Conference

Goon Hall of Fame

A tribute to the goons who have stood the test of time, gooning for a decade or more. Hats off to these fine folks, who's time and energy are a huge factor in what makes DEF CON great! Some have retired, and some are still active, but all of them deserve to stand in the Goon Hall of Fame!

Goon brothers and sisters we have lost are reside in the In Memoriam Section



The guy who keeps the Hardware Hacking Village from burning down. Formerly involved with the DEF CON Movie Channel and the Scavenger Hunt.

  • Superpowers: Prehensile hands, internal thermoregulation, and one way time travel.
  • Best con moment: Having LosT take up every waking moment of a DEF CON with his mystery challenge.
  • Worst con moment: Witnessing things that I'll never be able to forget in the courtyard of the AP.
  • Introduced by: LostboY
  • Involved since: DEF CON 10
  • PGP: By Request
Agent X (The Infamous) Minister of Speakers

Agent X

(The Infamous) Minister of Speakers (Retired)

  • Superpowers: Warps time, circuits & space, to assure the speakers and booze
    are delivered on time.
  • Best con moment: Speakers; on time, on stage, on track.
  • Favorite con event: Drink, drink, bang bang.
  • Introduced by: Artimage (it's all his fault)
  • Involved since: DEF CON 6
  • PGP: By Request


Vendor Goon Extraordinaire

  • Superpowers: Limitless charm, zero tolerance for asshattery
  • Best con moment: Participating in the Wardriving Competitions
  • Worst con moment: Blowing our team's insurmountable lead at HJ
  • Introduced by: Roamer
  • Involved since: DEF CON 10
  • PGP: Look it Up
  • Contact: [handle] at gmail
"Subverting today's youth for tomorrow's future."


Gourmet chef. He also helps out with DEF CON, securing speakers like Bellovin and selling t-shirts like a madman.

  • Superpowers: This list is far to long to put here. But many would say his ability to find navel lint even in the dark was the one that proved most useful.
  • Best con moment: Besting the mighty Bruce Schneir in a physical battle of strength, aka Sumo wrestling. 
  • Favorite con event: Drinking. 
  • PGP Key: Available on request. 
  • Introduced by: Himself
  • Involved since: DEF CON 2
"Mercenary... I work for the highest bidder (OK, maybe i'm a hooker)"


Master of Auditory and Visual Realities.

  • Superpowers: Ability to work for 3 days straight. Ability to transform simple hotel convention rooms to alternate plains of reality
  • Best con moment: Not sleeping at all
  • Worst con moment: Not sleeping at all
  • Favorite con event: The club (never had time to see anything else... other things happen?)
  • Introduced by: Noid
  • Involved since: DEF CON 6
  • Web Page:


Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: drinking, able to identify make of firearm from 50 paces, drinking, offroading, drinking.
  • Best con moment: drinking
  • Favorite con event: DEF CON shoot
  • Introduced by: Noid
  • Involved since: DEF CON V
  • PGP Key:
  • Contact: chs at 23 dot org
  • Web Page:


Thirsty hacker & Chief Red Shirt Goon.

  • Superpowers: Zero-day exploits while chugging beer. uber-skipper. Ability to consume all alcohol in a 50 meter radius without moving his lips. Ability sense trouble through 8 feet of concrete. PoolCon co-founder. old school.
  • Best con moment: DEF CON Weights and Measures
  • Worst con moment: Being the Lone goon controling 50 males and one naked girl.
  • Introduced by: Zac
  • Involved since: DEF CON 6


Speaker Ops "troubleshooter"

  • Superpowers: Bottomless well of anger.
  • Best con moment: DC 8 or 9 Hacker Jeopardy, hearing several hundred hackers chant "Mousepad! Mousepad!" when the contestant was given the choice between an NSA mouspad, or removing a piece of Vinyl Vanna's clothing.
  • Worst con moment: Seeing nothing but the inside of the Speaker Green Room for 6 or so years.
  • Introduced by: Agent X
  • Involved since: DEF CON 7, Goon since DEF CON 9


Speaker Reg and Harassment

  • Superpowers: I hunt speakers through time and space. But mostly time.
  • Best con moment: Running my autonomous hacking robot off the stage during the Fail panelÖ because it failed. But me + robot + DEF CON = win.
  • Worst con moment: Catching the flu, probably infecting most of the speakers, then going to the airport and begging the agent to let me go home a day early.
  • Favorite con event: Con.
  • Introduced by: Proctor (or whatever your handle is now)
  • Involved since: DEF CON 14
  • Contact: rmogull


  • Superpowers: Super Leopard Hair
  • Best con moment: VIP Extraction
  • Involved since: DEF CON 4


Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: Volume +8, Can spot bullshit at 1000yds
  • Best con moment: being asked, "Hey, can you watch me for a few hours? I just took like 18 hits of acid..."
  • Worst con moment: err?
  • Favorite con event: Hacker Jeopardy, standing in as a Drunken Whore
  • Introduced by: Noid
  • Involved since: DEF CON 13
  • Web Page:
  • PGP Key: @
Dead Addict - "Too lazy for slack."

Dead Addict

Helped DT with setting up and running DEF CON I. His contact juggling skills are most supreme. 

  • Superpowers: Can break anything, anytime.
  • Best con moment: Typing on an Enigma borrowed from the NSA museum
  • Favorite con event: Speaking, Listening
  • Introduced by: The Dark Tangent
  • Involved since: DEF CON 1


Production Maestro

  • Superpowers: Can Cloud the Minds of Men, Knows where people are, and what is actually going on.
  • Best con moment: Briefly knowing where everyone is, and actually what is going on.
  • Worst con moment: Being chased by hotel security and the FBI
  • Favorite con event: It happens in the hallways, and we laugh because of it.
  • Introduced by: Riverside
  • Involved since: DEF CON 10
  • Web Page:


Chief Networking Goon and Beer Drinking Tzar @ NOC

  • Superpowers: Technopathy, Energy Sourcing, 2.4 Ghz interference ESP
  • Best con moment: Flipping the switch to have all of those APs to light-up the venue at once and start watching those malicious packets flowing through the network.
  • Worst con moment: Bad wiring for 1Q-trunks and crappy QoS at the bars.
  • Introduced by: Lockheed
  • Involved since: DEF CON 13
  • PGP: Upon Request
  • Contact: effffn [at] dcnoc [dot] org
  • Web Page:


Information Booth - Dis-information Lead (retired)

  • Superpowers:
    - Strong liver
    - function with minimal sleep
    - lightning speed jap slap
    - knee capping
  • Best con moment: Hard to pick just one, but probably harassing the reporter @ DEF CON 18
  • Favorite con event: DEF CON 9 and the seeing the Haxor girls with all the cellulite hanging out.
  • Introduced by: Russ
  • Involved since: DEF CON 8
  • Contact: fawcr at defcon dot org
  • Web Page:


Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: I know when to say when, girlfriend
  • Best con moment: each successive moment has built upon the one before
  • Worst con moment: the time that guy in the black shirt did that thing
  • Introduced by: Pappy, kinda
  • Involved since: DC4
  • Website: http://


Speaker Goon

  • Superpowers: The goon that hugs you back.
  • Best con moment: That thing with that girl at pool 2 with vodka in 20 ounce bottles and a sharpie.
  • Worst con moment: Playing hero at Pool 1 and almost breaking my knee.
  • Introduced by: jnazario
  • Involved since: DEF CON 8
  • Contact:
  • Web Page:
G. Mark

G. Mark

Minister of Information

  • Superpowers: Hold higher clearances than Priest
  • Best con moment: Having my son be promoted to Goon
  • Worst con moment: Wife charging the Hacker Jeopardy stage at DEF CON V while swinging her purse like a mace. (Who told her what happens when you get a Double Jeopardy question right?)
  • Introduced by: Accident
  • Involved since: DEF CON 4
  • PGP: 0x51BD908F (
  • Web Page:


Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: Superb rifle skills, able to cook over fire in 115F heat for hours, able to yell and people-herd for days at a time to make sure a good time is had by all.
  • Best con moment: All the Toxic BBQs, the AP days, the homebrew tastings.. the rest are classified.
  • Worst con moment: Pool 2 Girl, "The Asshole Incident", having ToxicBBQ cancelled.
  • Introduced by: Noid? Can't remember how I got roped into this...
  • Involved since: DEF CON 11
  • PGP: x90x90x90x90


Red Shirt Goon

  • Favorite Con Moment: Team Jesus at DC12.
  • Involved since: DEF CON 7, Goon since DEF CON 10.
  • Contact: godminusone at godminusone dot com
  • PGP Key: Available on keyservers.
  • Web Page:


Speaker Ops Dispatch

  • Superpowers: Making problems go away through the power of communication and coffee.
  • Best con moment: Watching people recognize me for the first time out of Defcon's context.
  • Worst con moment: Walking into a presentation room with a visibly angry audience, a speaker provoking them, and knowing I was going to have to clean it up.
  • Introduced by: AgentX
  • Involved since: DEF CON 12
  • Contact: goekesmi (at) gmail (dot) com
  • Web Page:
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." - Einstein


Vendor Goon, Scavenger Hunt and Movie Channel Organizer. New whipping boy & lab munkey.

  • Superpowers: The Ability to shuffle being a Goon, Vendor, Numerous Event Organizer, and sometimes Speaker on almost absolutely no sleep without ending up "Smelling like a Goon".
  • Best con moment: speaking at the con
  • Worst con moment: Watching people start to leave Sunday night.
  • Favorite con event: The Scavenger Hunt
  • Introduced by: Russ
  • Involved since: DEF CON 9
  • Contact: grifter at defcon dot org
  • Web Page:


Chief Communications Goon and Controller of Bitches!

  • Superpowers:  Network Dominatrix and Controller of Bitches!
  • Best con moment: "Ok, this jack works!"
  • Worst con moment: "Jack # 42, ya got anything? How about now? Alright lets try the next one...."
  • Favorite con event:  Beer Drinking! 
  • PGP Key: Around.
  • Introduced by: VideoMan@DC9
  • Involved since: DEF CON 9
  • Contact: Yeah, right!
  • Web Page: web pages are for weenies!


Info Booth

  • Superpowers: financial panther, drinking, carpet angels
  • Best con moment: Oooh, Sealab 2021! (and the rest of DEF CON 12)
  • Introduced by: Chris, Russ
  • Involved since: DEF CON 10
JohnD - Goon Save the Queen


JD, never late for dinner, hey you, etc etc...

  • Superpowers: The same as The Spleen if you know what I mean...
  • Favorite con event: Gooning
  • Best con moment: DC 12 Pool 2 security guard waking up on the lawn of the AP missing his uniform.
  • Worst con moment: DC 11, not letting people into speeches due to fire code.
  • Introduced by: Cal, Noid, and Uncle Ira (the usual 206 suspects...)
  • Involved since: DC11
"That's **Mr** Fat Bastard to you!"


"Can Do Anything"

  • Superpowers: Mystical troubleshooting ability, electronics expert, Bay Area DEF CON Caravan organizer, founder and leader of Tri-Valley Security Group, knows where to find all the good parties.
  • Best con moment: Chillin' with other goons
  • Worst con moment: Gatorade (ask Cat about that)
  • Favorite con event: Saturday :)
  • Introduced by: Priest
  • Involved since: DEF CON 7
    Web pages: or



  • Superpowers: Ability to blend in and be seen at the same time.
  • Best con moment: Gooning my way into a Caezar's Challenge party and playing music for hours on synthesizers with the winner of the first Badge Hacking contest.s
  • Worst con moment: The goggles, they do NOTHING!
  • Introduced by: Shatter, Grifter.
  • Involved since: Scavenger Hunt at DCX, Goon since DCXI
  • Contact: google it
  • Web Page:
KevinE-Red Shirt Goon and alcoholic


Red Shirt Goon and alcoholic

  • Superpowers: driving dangerously.
  • Best con moment: Watching AlexRogan make fun of a lady because she was waving her hands...and then watch him find out she was deaf.
  • Favorite con event: do the parties count as events?
  • PGP Key: On Key Servers
  • Introduced by: Chris
  • Involved since: DC 10 I think...


SOC Goon/Chief Radio Goon

  • Superpowers: Sees through bullshit, smells it afar. Biolocate.
  • Best con moment: Getting my first red shirt...
  • Worst Con Moment: Sunday morning when all batteries are depleted...
  • Favorite con event: CTF, Hacker Jeopardy
  • Introduced by: Cyber/Noid
  • Involved since: DC14


Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: Able to be in any place at the con at any given time while maintaining adequate levels of booze as well as being the BBQ mistress running the Toxic BBQ.
  • Best con moment: There all good but winning a black badge was awesome!
  • Worst con moment: Value
  • Introduced by: Noid & Bink
  • Involved since: DEF CON 4, Goon since DEF CON 10
  • PGP: On Keyservers
  • Contact: Londo {at} Threeville {dot} Com
  • Web Page:


Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: Instantaneous, focused and unexpected rage.  Winning smile.
  • Best con moment: Involves a golf cart, unfathomable amounts of booze and blatant disregard for vampire unlife.
  • Worst con moment: Monday morning hangovers and the rush to the plane.
  • Introduced by: Noid
  • Involved since: DEF CON 6, Goon since DEF CON 13
  • Favorite con event: TCP/IP Drinking Game
"You want a WHAT for your talk??!?!"

Major Malfunction


  • Superpowers: Leap tall routers in a single hop, crimp RJ45s with eyebrows, freshen tan with IrDA.
  • Best con moment: Priest exorcising Schneier.
  • Favorite con event: Keeping Bad Kitty's photo album up-to-date.
  • PGP Key: on key servers.
  • Introduced by: Zac, DT
  • Involved since: DEF CON 5
  • Contact: majormal at pirate-radio dot org
  • Web Page:


Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: Leader of ROM
  • Best con moment: Too many to recall, also ejected from that big party, you know the one.
  • Worst con moment: That Monday morning after the con is over.
  • Introduced by: Flea/Noid
  • Involved since: DEF CON 13


Purveyor of high-quality information to the uninformed.

  • Superpowers: with cat, sed, awk and grep, i could take over the world.
  • Best con moment: DEF CON 10 - Hacker Jeopardy. Losing it all on a daily double and drinking to make up the points. Or winning the Mystery Box challenge.
  • Worst con moment: The tent on the roof of the Alexis Park.
  • Introduced by: roamer
  • Involved since: DEF CON 10
  • PGP: 0xE1D416E1


Infobooth Lead

  • Superpowers: knowledge of bathroom locations
  • Introduced by: Sl33py, FAWCR
  • Involved since: DEF CON 13
  • PGP: 0xE1D416E1
  • Contact: mello at defcon dot org
  • Web Page:


Keeper of the Site & Designer of all things DEF CON.

  • Superpowers: Content wrangling, drawing hot chicks and bending CSS to his will. Ability to produce designs out of thin air.
  • Best Con Moment: Seeing it all come together.
  • Worst Con Moment: Designing temp badges while everyone else is partying (or sleeping).
  • Favorite Con event: Traversing the parties, sharing some Jameson with friends, & chillin with all of you brilliant folks.
  • Introduced by: Nikita
  • Involved since: DEF CON 14
  • Contact: Neil [at] defcon ]dot[ org.


Conference Planner, Director of Call For Papers, Administrator, Tribe, etc.

  • Superpowers: Can do a lot of stuff, and things. I don’t like to brag about how awesome I am.
  • Best Con Moment: The Niki7a boxer shorts rebellion? The baby shower? Drunk Hacker History? DEF CON 101? Too many to list.
  • Worst Con Moment: When it’s over, when the hallways and seats are empty. When I have to go home.
  • Favorite Con event: The family reunion part.
  • Introduced by: The Dark Tangent
  • Involved since: DEF CON 11.
  • Contact: Nikita [at] defcon ]dot[ org, @Niki7a
  • PGP Key Here: Nikita's Key
"Who rules the wasteland!"


Chief Red Shirt Goon (retired)

  • Superpowers: Kung-fu grip, poor impulse control, spare liver for processing alcohol.
  • Best con moment: PoolCon
  • Favorite con event: Gooning
  • Introduced by: DT
  • Involved since: DEF CON 2
  • Web Page:
  • PGP Key:  is here


Speaker Operations

  • Superpowers: Ability to drink people much younger than me under the table. Ability to make speakers do whatever I want.
  • Best con moment: Getting into Caesar's challenge at DC9.
  • Introduced by: Agent X
  • Involved since: DEF CON 7
  • Contact:


Red Shirt Goon

  • Best con moment: Administering the 40oz basket.
  • Involved since: DEF CON 17
  • Contact:
  • Web Page:


Speaker Goon

  • Superpowers: Tracking and peering into your soul.
  • Best con moment: OMG that's Agent X and DT!
  • Favorite con event: Black and White party.
  • Introduced by: Agent X
  • Involved since: DEF CON 13
  • Contact: Pardus at live dot ca
  • PGP Key: By request.
Pappy Ozendorph, Goon Supremacist

Pappy Ozendorph

Goon Supremacist

  • Superpowers: Cause Moderate Wounds (touch), Detect Law Enforcement (15' Radius), Auxiliary liver where my soul should be.
  • Best con event: Breaking up a rather nasty situation.
  • Worst con moment: I don't remember, and that is by design.
  • Introduced by: Noid
  • Involved since: DEF CON 2


A midsized, mean, angry, Red Shirt Goon Cultist and Goon Spiritual Advisor

  • Superpowers: Able to out the un-outable, find the un-findable, fix any cluster f**k, and herd any number of rabid cats.
  • Best con moment: Seeing Dave Marcus meet Dave Marcus.
  • Worst con moment: Seeing some one foul themselves after passing out while fouling themselves having previously fouled themsevles just before they started to pass out.That's a trifecta of foulness.
  • Introduced by: Noid
  • Involved since: Attendee since DEF CON 1, Goon since DEF CON 15
  • PGP:

Ping oka BlackBeetle

  • Superpowers: Much like Godzilla: Laser eyes. Fire breathing. Blessed with exquisitely expensive taste, dignity, class and posture
  • Best con moment: July 26, 2012 10:00 PST
  • Worst con moment: No such thing.
  • Introduced by: Dark Tangent
  • Involved since: DEF CON 7
  • PGP: If you don't know how to get a hold of me securely...
  • Contact: @vlkyri
Polish Dave

Polish Dave

Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: true
  • Introduced by: CJ
  • Involved since: DEF CON 14


A big, mean, ugly, white guy.

  • Superpowers: Classified.
  • Best con moment: Its all good.
  • Favorite con event: See above.
  • Introduced by: Noid
  • Involved since: DEF CON 4
  • Contact:


Retired Senior Contest Goon /Retired Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: Making things go BOOM, the ability to control large groups of unfriendly people with a single glance, and stealing all your infoz! (I'm in your corporation, bypassin' all your controls!)
  • Best con moment: I can't legally answer that.
  • Worst con moment: Realizing that some of the best people I have ever known will never be attending con again. (R.I.P. - PacBell/ P4ntz / Shadow / Ghent)
  • Favorite con event: Gooning / Drop kicking misbehaving children / 303 Party
  • PGP Key: on my servers :)
  • Introduced by: self
  • Involved since: DEF CON 6
  • Contact: pyr0 at pyr0 dot net |
  • Web Page:
Teklord-Red Shirt Goon, Robotwarez Junkie


Village Drunk

  • Superpowers: Able to leap a keg in a single bound
  • Best con moment: umm... I don't remember
  • Worst con moment: I don't remember
  • Introduced by: I don't remember
  • Involved since: I don't remember but DEF CON 8 sounded like a nice prime number
  • PGP: D.D.S.C.
  • Website: um.. something with 1`s and 0`s
  • Picture:


Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: shh
  • Introduced by: Riverside
  • Involved since: DEF CON 12
Reverend Gonzo

Reverend Gonzo aka Metalhead

Original Goon, Rabble-rouser & taller than Priest

  • Superpowers: Phear and Loathing
  • Best con moment:  The flight into madness...
  • Favorite con event: Bad Craziness @ PoolCon
  • PGP Key: On keyservers.
  • Introduced by: Self introduced @ DEF CON I
  • Involved since: Pre-Planning DEF CON I
  • Contact: gonzo at goons dot org
  • Web Page:


Speaker Ops, Team HTA, forensics.

  • Superpowers: Have soldering gun, will travel.
  • Best con moment: Cult of the Dead Cow talk at DEF CON 7
  • Worst con moment: Doing shots Sunday early morning in front of a crowd. -- I swear, I though he said, "come up and shout with me".
  • Involved since: DC10, Goon since 7.
  • PGP: on key servers
  • Web Page:


Chief of Operations (retired)

  • Superpowers: Part Dr. X, part Lex Luthor, and part Tony Stark.
  • Best con moment: All day of every day at DEF CON rocks!.
  • Favorite con event: The Contests
  • Introduced by: Himself at DCVI
  • Involved since: DEF CON 6
  • Contact: russ at defcon dot org
  • Web Page:



  • Superpowers: Classified
  • Best con moment: Getting there.
  • Introduced by: Agent X
  • Involved since: DEF CON 11


Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: Stripper-proof gloves
  • Best con moment: Goon Swim & Sunday Morning Pirate Raids on Deviant's talk
  • Involved since: DEF CON 14?
  • Contact: skydog at
  • Web Page:


NOC Goon, and resident NOC Bartender

  • Superpowers: Cat herding, working without sleep, and the ability to turn a hangover into a stung disposition ☺
  • Best Con Moment: First time I bring my wife and 9 months later we have a wonderful baby boy !
  • Worst Con Moment: Tearing down every year :(
  • Introduced by: Squeek and Luiz
  • Involved since: DEF CON 11
  • Contact: I'll contact you.
"That's **Mr** Fat Bastard to you!"


Minister of Data Transport & Newcastle Consumption

  • Superpowers: Able to quash large bottles of alcohol in a single swig, especially while crimping cables and testing jacks. Monkey Feet...OF DOOOOOOOM.
  • Best con moment: When 303 pushed Shipley in the pool at DC9.
  • Worst con moment: Everytime I show up with one less friend. (R.I.P. Ghent, Kam & Josh)
  • Introduced by: Self @ DC6
  • Involved since: DEF CON 7


  • Superpowers: Ninja art of invisibility
  • Best con moment: Really can't talk about it except to say that we won't be allowed back in that hotel again EVER.
  • Worst con moment: Had something to do with Pool 3.
  • Favorite con event: Hacker Jeopardy
  • Introduced by: self
  • Involved since: DEF CON 1
"I am not THAT drunk"


Registration Pit Boss (retired) & Creator of all things plastic.

  • Best con moment: DC7 Art and Bruce in the sumo suits
  • Worst con moment: DC9 getting handcuffed by the LVPD (yes that ended the party in my room)
  • Favorite con event: Drinking
  • Introduced by: self at DC6, Goon since DC9
  • Contact: tw at goons dot org
  • Web Page:
Ira- "Cash is good."

"Uncle" Ira

DEF CON load master, tech & moral support.

  • Superpowers: Acquisition and Sales of Cool Techno-Trinkets. ÜberMemory* In both Technical, and Obscure-Info Modes. 
  • Best con moment: What? They won't let you on the plane with Gel-Cells? Send your suitcases home UPS! 
  • Favorite con event: Hacker Jeopardy, DCshoot.
  • Introduced by: Dr. Nick 2000
  • Involved since: DEF CON 5
  • Contact:
  • Web Page:
Ira- "Cash is good."


Networking Goon

  • Superpowers: Hacking, building, breaking, making.
  • Best con moment: Reverse engineering the Alexis Park's on-demand entertainment.
  • Worst con moment: When we made an eight foot tall cardboard cutout of Derek. He got to visit all of the best talks and room parties. Oh, and that time we got dry ice...
  • Favorite con event: CTF
  • Introduced by: Gonzo@DC6
  • Involved since: DEF CON 6
  • PGP Key: 7E41C888
  • Contact: videoman at defcon dot org
  • Web Page:


Red Shirt Goon

  • Superpowers: Ability to download solid objects via P2P.
  • Best con moment: Speaking @ DC 14 and exposing the secret of the Mein Fraulein number stations.
  • Worst con moment: THAT hangover‚Ķyou know the one.
  • Favorite con event: DEF CON shoot
  • Introduced by: Self @ DC11
  • PGP Key: On keyservers.
  • Contact: infidel at loljazeera dot net
  • Web Pages: |


Vendor Goon

  • Superpowers: Master of the Peppermill
  • Best con moment: Everything at the AP, The Hamm Sammich, Roamer @Eastern Motors, Oooof
  • Worst con moment: Habanero rum in the bushes near the Alexis Park
  • Introduced by: Roamer, AlxRogan
  • Involved since: DEF CON 12 CTF, Goon since DEF CON 13


Special Projects, DCG Coordinator, DC Movie Night Programmer, QM

  • Superpowers: We get superpowers?
  • Best con moment: Too many to choose just one.
  • Worst con moment: Forgot already.
  • Introduced by: DT
  • Involved since: DC6
  • Contact: Waz )at( defcon (dot) org, theonlywaz )at( gmail (dot) com,
  • Web Page:
xinc- random Red Shirt goon


Random Red Shirt goon

  • Superpowers: Void warranties at thirty paces, sex-toy ninja
  • Favorite con event: DC-Shoot, carousing
  • Introduced by: Himself
  • Involved since: DC12, attending since DC7
  • Website:
Def Con Icon animation


  • Introduced by: DT, DA
  • Involved since: DEF CON 3
  • Web Page:
"That's **Mr** Fat Bastard to you!"

Zac Franken

  • Superpowers: Alcohol Consumption, SuperTeraUltraMegaMultiTasking, Haggling with Ira, Chainsmoking Xtreme, Equipment Scrounging, DT Locating, Schmoozing Hotel Management.
  • Best con moment: Suggesting to Winn that maybe he should become a game show host full-time.
  • Worst con moment: Escorting DT in the middle of a quad of goons out of the Monte-Carlo to avoid the cops.
  • Favorite con event: Hacker Jeopardy & TCP/IP drinking game
  • Introduced by: Himself
  • Involved since: DEF CON 2


Entertainment Technical Goon

  • Superpowers: Able to make technical magic happen on stage.
  • Best con moment: Hearing DEF CON was canceled.
  • Worst con moment: Hearing DEF CON was canceled.
  • Introduced by: Bink (DC8)
  • Involved since: DEF CON 8
  • PGP: Classified

In Memoriam



Grand Vizier of All Things Vendor (retired)

    1970 – 2023
  • Superpowers: Ability to party all night and still show up on time to open the Vendor Area.
  • Best con Moment The Goon Band
  • Worst con Moment: The first Goon Band show
  • Introduced by: Russ
  • Involved since: DEF CON 8
  • PGP: On my servers
  • Contact: roamer at def con dot org
  • Web Page:
"I'm not schitzophrenic...and neither am I."


Chief Operating Officer (Retired)

    1970 – 2019
  • Superpowers: Master of the 72-Hour Buzz, Networking Blindfolded
  • Best con moment: Priest's Drinking Song.
  • Worst con moment: Flipping my car - twice!
  • Favorite con event: Spot The Fed
  • PGP Key: 0xBB794089
  • Introduced by: Dark Tangent (DC3)
  • Involved since: DEF CON IV
  • Web Page: &


  • 1992-2011
    Poolboy, aka Robert Conner Ashby, 19, of Ventura, passed away on Monday, Nov. 21, 2011.

Dr Nick2000

  • 1977-2006
    Dr Nick aka Nick Jeremicah lost the battle against cancer in the fall of 2006.

    He is survived by his parents, siblings, wife and two children.

    Dr Nick2000 was 30 years old.

Ghent aka Branden Hancock

  • 1977-2003

    Ghent aka Branden Hancock died of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.

    He is survived by his mother and younger sister.

    Ghent was 26 years old.


  • 1978-2005

    Ted Turner Wannabe (DEF CON TV Engineer), RBOC, Network Flunkie, Deputy Schmoozer.
  • Superpowers: Taking over cable networks without breaking a sweat, Cabling/crimping for 36 hrs straight, reading minds of lame telco installers.
  • Best con moment: We now interrupt the regularly scheduled programming to bring you Cindy Salsa 
  • Favorite con event: Hacker Jeopardy
  • Worst con moment: Fearing my life would end at the hands of a Lou Gosset Junior wannabe guard
"Died at sea after safe landing". Survived by his parents, sister and daughter.

Ned Cohen
Father of Joshua Cohen