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DEF CON Hacking Conference

DEF CON 8 Archive

was held July 28- 30, 2000 at the Alexis Park Hotel & Resort

Speakers & Presentations

Defcon 8: Uber Haxor

Tim Lawless & Saint Jude

Modeling, Detecting and Responding to Unauthorized Root Transitions

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Robert Graham

Evading Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems

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Ian Vitek

IP-spoofing and source routing connections with Linux 2.0.X

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Bennett Haselton

A Protocol That Uses Steganography to Circumvent Network Level Censorship

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Greg Hoglund

Advanced Buffer Overflow Techniques

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Phil King

8-Bit Redux: Microcontroller Hacking

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Penetrating B1 Trusted Operating Systems

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Evil Wrangler

Building a Backdoor Binary (featuring SSH 2.0.13)

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Adam Bresson

Palm OS Security

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Dot-Com Smashing: Buffer Overflows on the SPARC

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Opensource Utilities and How to Use Them To Test IDSes and Firewalls

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Kent Radek - Designing An Anonymous Network

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Chris Goggans, Kevin McPeake, Wouter Aukema

Lotus Notes/Domino Security

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John S. Flowers

Network IDS - Do Not Bend, Fold, Spindle or Mutilate

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Freenet 101 + Why We're Anonymous

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Advanced Evasion of IDS Buffer Overflow Detection

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Subterrain Security Group (SSG)

The Impact of Passive Network Mapping in Distributed Environments

Defcon 8: Haxor

Gregory B. White

The USAFA Cadet Hacking Case: What Both Sides Should Learn About Computer Forensics

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Ron Moritz

Proactive Defense Against Malicious Code

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Web Application Security

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David J. DiCenso

The Citizen Hacker: Patriot or War Criminal?

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Jason Scott


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Mr. Mojo

Windows 2000 Security

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Ian Goldberg

"Using the Internet Pseudonymously III: It's Alive!"

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Demonstration and presentation of the Autonomous Nodes that Batz and Caezar presented in concept at BlackHat Singapore

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Phillip J. Loranger

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Simple Nomad

A How-to Regarding Network Mapping That Covers Some Interesting Techniques Not Commonly Used

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Anonymous Remailers: The Importance of Widely-available Anonymity In An Age of Big Brother

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Bruce Schneier

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John Q. Newman

Fake ID by Mail and Modem

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John Q. Newman

10 Steps You Can Take To Protect Your Privacy

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Richard Thieme

Social Engineering at Def Con:Games Hackers Play

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Eric Sinrod

Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

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Sarah Gordon

Virus Writers: The End of The Innocence

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Aaron Grothe

Tunneling and Firewalls

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V1ru5 and *Hobbit*

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Defcon 8: Newbie


Radio Hacking

Thomas Munn

Need for Home-based Firewalls

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Virus talk: An Introduction To Computer Viruses

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Mr. Nasty

Using Tools To Obtain Recon on NT Networks

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Jennifer Granick & Grant Gottfriend

The Law and Hacking

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Mike Scher

What is DNS and alt Roots? What Are Alternate Roots and Why Does Internet Duck

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What PGP and Crypto Is and How to Use (and Not Use) It

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Thomas Munn

How To Make a Linux Firewall with IP-chains


Security and Hacking of the MacOS and Details of OSX

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FAQ the Kiddies

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System Profiling: Target Analysis or How Crackers Find You

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Natasha Gregori

Hacktivits to Activists - Making the Transition

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Jim McCoy

Majo Nation: Building a Next Generation Distributed Data Service

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Arthur L. Money

Meet the FED [ Panel ]

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Legal Panel

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